Find out more
I would like to receive documentation
To help you find inspiration for your project, there are a number of resources available online. Go to the Resources tab to access documents such as technical data sheets, the IDÉAPOSE process, Atex ORSOL and ITE certifications. In the same tab, you’ll find a digital version of the catalog and color chart.
If you would like to receive a catalog or color chart by post, please send us a message on the Contact page.
How can I benefit from the ORSOL 10-year warranty?
All the features of ORSOL cladding and architectural elements, and the quality of their manufacture, make them reliable, long-lasting products for homes and public spaces. Their technical and color resistance make them ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. ORSOL guarantees its products for 10 years. This warranty applies to the products and not to their installation, subject to compliance with ORSOL installation recommendations (IDÉAPOSE process, product data sheets and site instructions) and the use of ORSOL installation products.
What is the IDÉAPOSE installation process?
DTU 52.2 (Unified Technical Document) limits the laying of ceramic and similar coverings to those whose joints are filled (grouted) and whose weight is less than 40kg/m². Developed by ORSOL, IDÉAPOSE is a system for laying glued coverings on inside and outdoor substrates in new-build and renovation projects. Our process allows the installation of all ORSOL facings with filled and unfilled joints, whatever their weight. Since July 2021, it has been validated by ATEx type A n°2926-v1: this is an experimental technical assessment issued by the CSTB (Comité Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) certifying the reliability of our IDÉAPOSE system in new-build and renovation projects. To find out how to use this process, please refer to the IDÉAPOSE technical data sheet available on our website in the Resources tab, as well as to the technical data sheets for each collection.
About our products
Where to find our products
ORSOL does not sell its products directly. Our products are referenced by various specialist stores and some online partners. To find a dealer near you, please contact our sales department: – 05 53 36 69 89, or via the Contact page of our website.
What is the price per m²?
ORSOL does not sell its products directly. Each price is therefore unique to each retailer. Nevertheless, we invite you to contact our sales department, who will be able to send you a quote from a dealer near you: – 05 53 36 69 89, or via the Contact page of our website.
Other forms on the website, such as the one on the I Pose MyselfThese will enable you to provide more precise information about your project, and the number of m² you’ll need, so that you can be better informed about the right quantities and the right products to use.