Pierrette and Youval’s school of happiness
Sensitive and ageless, stone accompanies the great history of our heritage and the daily lives of the people who build it. Shaped by hand or time, it has enveloped, protected and enhanced our living spaces for centuries.
Driven by a passion for “beautiful stones”, ORSOL puts its unique expertise at the service of your history.
ORSOL is now France’s leading manufacturer of wall cladding, pillars and wall caps.
ORSOL solutions can be adapted to both contemporary and traditional housing, with a complete range of shades and textures.
From natural stone and terracotta to more avant-garde aesthetics, ORSOL draws its inspiration from nature to offer unique building materials.
Sustainable commitment
ORSOL has developed NEOMINERAL®, an innovative material that offers a low-carbon alternative to natural stone.
Made exclusively from high-quality mineral aggregates, NEOMINERAL® is manufactured and cold-aggregated using a pozzolanic process.
By combining this ancient technique with more recent technologies, the ORSOL laboratory has succeeded in producing a material that is both technical and low-carbon.
Its intrinsic qualities enable it to create facings that are faithful to the aesthetic characteristics of stone.
With an installation system validated by the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, the facings are compatible with most substrates, while meeting the safety and performance requirements expected in the construction industry.
100% of manufacturing waste and water are recycled
100% of our waste during product destruction is recyclable
100% of our suppliers are European, 92% of them French
300 km: the weighted average supply distance for our raw materials
Depuis toujours, la pierre apporte une esthétique et un cachet incontestable aux édifices. Matière noble, elle se réinvente et habille de chaleur et de reliefs tous les espaces, avec naturel et authenticité.
ORSOL supports its customers from idea to installation
To guarantee impeccable quality throughout the entire chain, ORSOL works with the best craftsmen, architects, design offices and developers.
The ORSOL installers’ club brings together craftsmen recognized for their professional but also human qualities. Members of the network are committed to installing ORSOL products according to the rules of the trade, in order to guarantee the products for 10 years.
By joining our professional space, you can access all our technical solutions, documentation and BIM files.